10 Foot Quilt Week 4: Gathers and a Narrow Hem

This week’s blog is a BOGO. Make one block, get experience with two feet. I have to admit, while the gathering foot is easy to use, the hemmer is my favorite. This is purely because gathering is fairly rare, but having a quick way to finish a seam? That is downright amazing. I started making […]

10 Foot Quilt Week 3: Edge Stitcher

The first time I saw this foot I assumed part of it was missing. It just looked so different than other presser feet. I had no idea that this little thing was not only a full and complete foot, but an amazing multitasker. Aside from edge stitching, the original singer 221 manual gives examples of […]

10 Foot Quilt Week 1: Zippers

Honestly, I’m not sure why I avoided learning to properly sew a zipper for so long, but I did. Just a few months ago I installed buttons on a skirt- for no good reason other than zippers were scary. Once I realized how silly this was, I bought a pack of random zippers, pulled out […]